Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Playdate Calling Cards

A few months ago Mason and I were at the park and he spent the majority of the time playing with one little boy. I started chatting up the mom and found out they live a few blocks from us and her son is similar age to Mason. We had a great conversation plus I really want to make local mom friends. Anyway, I didn't have my phone, a pen, anything, but I oddly had one business card on me. I gave her that and said to call me if she wanted to get together for a playdate. It's been weeks and I haven't heard a peep from her so I'm blaming my lame business card; that, and/or she's a busy mom.

I definitely needed a cuter way to pick up moms and kids. Ta da! Here are our new playdate calling cards....

I love these adorable cards and made them in theme with the nursery, his wardrobe, my favorite colors, etc. I heard about the idea from a Manhattan mom so I don't think they are big on the Arlington playground scene but I'm going to shake things up! 

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